Team Coaching Insights from Marathon Runners
Marathon running is no small feat. It’s a 26.2-mile journey that demands not only physical endurance but also careful pacing and mental resilience. Marathoners have proven that hitting the wall doesn’t have to stop you—it can be the turning point that leads to a triumphant finish. That’s where Team Coaching and thoughtful strategies can make all the difference.
Why Big Goals Fail Without Micro-Wins: Lessons from Mount Everest
It’s probably safe to say that the idea of summiting Mount Everest feels impossibly daunting for the vast majority of us. But those who’ve actually made it to the summit didn’t plan to do so by taking one dramatic leap to the top—they meticulously planned each phase of the climb, took calculated steps, and stacked up small but meaningful victories. In other words, they focused on micro-wins.
Finding Deeper Meaning in Metrics: Advanced Strategies for Organizations
Have you ever wondered if your metrics are misleading you? Or whether they’re telling the whole story? Let’s dive into the art and science of metrics and better understand the hidden dangers of misusing them.
Beyond Shuffling Chairs: Nailing Executive Transitions
Executive transitions are critical turning points not just for the leaders themselves but for the entire organization. They're always a little bumpy, but when handled well, they can be a major boost to morale and performance. Read on for actionable insights that will broaden your approach to executive transitions.
When the Rubber Hits the Road: How Even the Best Strategies Fall Apart
A leader has two jobs to do: produce results and develop the people and organization to deliver the outcomes. Sounds easy, does hard! Read on to discover the 8 most common reasons why strategies fail and the 3 steps you can take to assess your organization’s execution readiness.
Oil and Water: Leading Difficult Personalities
In the world of leadership, dealing with challenging personalities is a given. But how do you turn those potential roadblocks into stepping stones? Let’s explore strategies to foster collaboration when not everyone on the team is in the same frame of mind.
When You’re Leading on Empty: Embracing Rest to Fuel Better Results
Leading is tough. We often push ourselves to the limit, thinking it's the only way to achieve great results. But what if I told you that REST is actually your secret weapon? Read on to discover the benefits of embracing different forms of strategic rest.
Beyond a People Strategy: HR Needs Their Own Strategy
How many HR organizations have their own business strategy to deliver on the talent or people agenda? This article explores the 5 W’s of strategy and how you can incorporate strategy to go from a supporting function to a winning HR team.
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: Leadership and Meaningful Celebration
We know celebrations are important for organizational culture and for managing morale. So then, despite being “good” people, why are some leaders “bad” at celebrating? Let’s explore why celebration might not come naturally to some leaders, why it matters, and how to embed recognition at the individual, team, and organizational levels.